Pääotsikon kuva

Pääotsikon kuva
Mun INSTAGRAM sannialeksandradesign, sieltä näet kuvia, joita lisään lähes päivittäin!! Syksy tuo tullessaan uusia tuulia... kenties myös uuden ammatin... innostuksella odotan ja unelmoin tietenkin ; )

perjantai 30. lokakuuta 2015

Valoa, lisää valoa!!

I hate darkness outside and also I don´t like to come dark home. 
I might be again the first on the neighbour, 
who puts dark time lights outside of my home. 
But I don´t care and I don´t shame either any more. 
Somebody calls those lights The Christmas time lights, 
but to me those represent light to darkness. 
It wasn´t so easy to climp up ladders with all tools 
and other stuff to put shell above at kitchen window.  
I broke one of my old angel flowerpot, 
when I drop power drill on the ground. 
Then I swore like a gypsy and continue my work. 
And I got that shell to there and put 
pot of winter flowers and lights to it. 
I take pictures from outside later. 
I had to come inside, because I felt so cold. 

I got to birthday present beautiful lantern with lights 
and I put it to the stairs, 
because my little prinsess might come downstair at night. 
I haven´t had time to think any other decoration with it. 
Tomorrow is All Saints´ Day and on sunday we celebrate my daughter´s 6 year birthday 
and tomorrow is All Saints´ Day. 
I will be busy… 
Muistakaa poisnukkuneita rakkaitanne 
vaikka  viemällä kynttilän haudalle <3
Remember  your deceased  close relatives
 by taking the candle to the grave <3
Sanni Aleksandra

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